Welcome to the World of Dungeons and Dragons
D&D is the world's greatest role-playing game. In it, you and your friends can be whoever you want, explore your imaginations and go anywhere you can dream up. Fight dragons, overthrow treacherous lich kings, spend hours buying imaginary goods at a magic shop that only exists in your head, root out that goblin camp, there is no limit.
The magic of DnD is the social imagining of a collective fiction. The table shares that fiction, and the Dungeon Master guides it. The difficuly of DnD is the seeming complexity of the game. But fear not! This site is here to help you to get a basic understanding of DnD 5th Edition, by far the most beginner-friendly version of the game. Here you'll learn your role as a player, or for the more adventurous adventurers: your role as the Dungeon Master. You'll also find information here about the Forgotten Realms, the default setting for DnD- a rich world of high magic and politicol intrigue, dimensionally situated parallel to our own. You'll find information about the history of the game, from the creator Gary Gygax all the way up to the resurgence of 5e and Twitch streams. DnD is more exciting than ever, where would you like to explore first?
The Many Sections of the Site to Puruse

How to Play As A Player
It may seem intimidating, but you don't need the 300 page Player's Handbook just to start playing.
Here you'll find the basics any newbie needs to start rolling dice and fighting orcs.
How to Play As A Dungeon Master
It may seem even more intimidating, but the secret to being a great DM is simple: your players will probably be having fun no matter how "bad" of a DM you think you are. So don't panic, and relax. Here you'll find a basic overview of the role of the Dungeon Master as well as a few tips and pieces of advice. You'll also find links to other valuable resources.
Where The Adventure Happens
The Forgotten Realms is the setting conjured up by designer Ed Greenwood and his friends over 30 years ago for their personal games. It then became the first official published setting of DnD, and is arguably the most complex fantasy setting for the game, perhaps in all of fantasy fiction. This page on the site however contains only a basic overview of the places, factions, and gods of the Realms. Just enough to know where you'll be adventuring, you'll need to play to discover the rest.
History of the Game
DnD was first published in 1974. Since then there have been 5 editions, one very successful spinoff, culture shock as older generations paniced over what their kids were getting up to, plenty of social stigmas against players, and finally, celebration of the game as it gains popularity in the age of new media. Here you'll find a quick summary of the key events in the history of DnD.
The Dice
Perhaps among the most curious parts of role-playing games at first glance, the dice used in the game range from familiar to outright bizarre. Nevertheless, dice is one of the only things that a player actually needs to play the game. Collecting dice can be a hobby unto itself, and here you'll find the basic information you'll need to get to grips with all these strange shiny math rocks.
Join the Mailing List
Finally, this site offers a mailing list, either email or snail mail, with periodic updates about the game and tips and tricks once a month.